240 volt receptacle
240 volt receptacle


So getting started with Level 1 charging is fairly easy as you plug the charger into any available household outlet and begin to charge, albeit at a slow pace. Keep in mind that a Level 1 charger comes standard with every EV. Like voltage, the more amps, the more power. The most popular 240V outlets are now the NEMA 14-30, 14-50, and 6-50. For those of you with an electric dryer, range, welder, etc., you may have seen these before, however, for others, these outlets could look quite foreign. Unfortunately, there are many different types of 240V outlets. See, it’s simple! Types of 240 Volt Outlets There are a few other 120V outlets, however, they are much, much less common in residential construction. It has been by your side (literally) when you need it most. The typical household outlet, the NEMA 5-15, is the shocked-face thing you have seen for your entire life. The first set of digits is the outlet class (5) and the second set is the maximum current (15 amps). NEMA is the acronym for National Electric Manufacturers Association. There are a few 120V outlets, however, by far the most common is the NEMA 5-15. You use these for nearly all of your devices (TV, phone charger, blender, etc.). A 120V receptacle is the typical household outlet. Let’s begin with the low-power group, the 120V. In general, the fewer the volts, the less power. There are two voltages for residential applications, 120 Volts (V) and 240V. Electrical Outlets Not Suited Well for Electric Car ChargersĪ good way of thinking about electrical outlets is to group them in their voltage classification.

240 volt receptacle

  • Best Electrical Outlets for Electric Car Chargers.
  • Note that the electrical content of this article is pertinent only to the U.S. Let’s go over all the different types of electrical outlets for EV chargers so you are best prepared to set up your home EV charger. You can also find all our frequently asked questions here.


    If you need assistance or have questions on what outlet is right for you, feel free to reach out to the NeoCharge customer support team who are experts in home EV charging applications. An additional consideration is how many EVs you are planning to charge - both in the short term and long term if multiple members of your household plan to go electric. If the wrong charger is purchased or the wrong outlet is installed, you may find yourself unable to charge.


    Selecting the right Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE or “charger”) or directing an electrician to install the correct outlet takes the proper education. Some are low power for Level 1 charging, while others are higher power for Level 2 charging. There are in fact many different electrical outlets for EV chargers.

    240 volt receptacle


    One topic that can trip a lot of prospective or first-time EV drivers are the proper electrical outlets for EV chargers. However, after some experience it will become very habitual. Charging an electric vehicle (EV) can seem a bit complicated at first.

    240 volt receptacle